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Michael Aquino

The Visigoths Are at the Gates

Forget the recent Dobbs V. Jackson Decision by the U.S. Supreme Court, only a small rumble.

For now, we now see our neighbor’s true colors on either side of the wall.

Look not then towards the protests of this or that issue. A small side effects of a people without direction.

Has there been a time in our nation’s history when the fundamental underpinnings of our nation were so questioned? No, even when the Confederates attempted secession from the Union, both could still agree that rights truly derived from God.

From history, then I gather, that when a people disagree ardently on the fundamentals, the people quickly see that it is safer to be outside the walls than within.

So now, the roles are reversed. The pagans are at the gates and the Visigoths are inside the walls.

Will the Eternal City still burn?

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